Make Marriage Happen with Lara Casey – Part 2

I’m so excited for this week with Lara Casey discussing marriage.

Yesterday, Lara gave us an introduction to her life, business and marriage. Today she’s sharing an honest lesson she’s learned that might be helpful to other couples just starting their marriages. Who knows, it could even be a reminder or a wake up call for a seasoned couple reading. No matter where you find yourself, we hope it encourages you to make your marriage happen!

I love getting a glimpse into other marriages and hearing what helps them press on together. So, thank you, Lara, for sharing what has been working for you and Ari!

This life is not about us and marriage is not about finding the perfect person to make you happy. There is such deeper fulfillment found in relying on God as our source of joy. We used to think that we had to work hard to make each other happy, and that led to so many arguments and both of us not feeling fulfilled. Now we know that the gift of marriage is to encourage each other to have a closer walk with the Lord — and that inherently makes us closer as a couple and brings immense joy! Whether it’s praying together or for each other, sending a text with encouragement during the work day, sharing scripture, reading a faith-building book together, or loving each other like God wants us to love, choosing to build each other up in faith is so much more satisfying than trying to create temporary happiness.

Photo by Gina Zeidler

Lara Casey Family