Be Intentional
Make Marriage Happen

I love the start of a new year. But to be honest, I’m not really a big fan of resolutions.

This year I decided to have a motto instead of multiple resolutions. “LESS IS MORE.” I hope to keep that in the forefront of my mind and remember that it’s all about progress not perfection.

With my motto in hand, I decided to use it to simplify blogging. I already decided last year to only blog 2 – 3 times per week, which worked brilliantly, but I could still improve on my consistency. To help me narrow down my focus in the “relationships” section of our blog, I’ve chosen to pick a theme for each month. I read a wonderful quote yesterday by Kamal Farah that has stuck with me.

There is no solution but to live together, not to survive together, but to live.

Vitaliy and I decided when we were married that we would never get a divorce. We won’t even bring up the word. But we also agreed that we wouldn’t live in a lifeless marriage. That leaves us with only one option – to make it work! We all enter marriage with our own expectations and dreams, but the reality rarely matches up. Cultivating a good marriage takes work. As unromantic as that sounds, the sooner you accept it as truth, the sooner you can get to making your marriage everything you want it to be.

One thing that hasn’t changed in the new year is my passion for marriage. Mine and yours. Let’s make marriage happen this year! Regardless of how things are going in your marriage, whether good or bad, we need to be intentional. That’s our January theme – be intentional! If you want a marriage that works, you’ve got to plan for it.

I hope you’ll join us! You can find us on Instagram or Facebook. We’d love to hear from you. We’ll be using #beintentional and #makemarriagehappen when sharing our ideas. Before you do anything, share this with a friend who may need some encouragement too because you’re not alone.
