It’s finally here. Moving weekend!
I’ve typed out three different sentences and deleted them. I’m just feeling too many feelings. Too many thoughts running through my mind. And my arms hurt, my shoulders especially. Rose has had a fever the last few days and yesterday she had to be held in order to sleep. And while I rocked our babe, Vitaliy worked his hands to help turn our house into a home. This is a picture of marriage, teamwork. Everyone pitching in for the greater good of the whole.
This morning, over coffee and oatmeal, we committed to not being afraid. A bigger home means bigger expenses and that can be scary. So we shook on it! If I start fearing, then I know I’m letting my teammate down. And vice versa. We’re in this together. And we’re never alone. God provided this home for us. We must continue to trust.
We’re moving this weekend and then heading to St. Louis to introduce Rose to all of her family in the Midwest. I might be MIA for the next few weeks. I haven’t really decided yet, but I’m giving myself permission now to let go of a few things. I might need extra time alone to process this huge change we’re embarking on. Rose might need extra cuddles if she’s still not feeling well. My family might, no, they will definitely, want as much of me, well of us, as they can possibly get. And I’d hate to think of saying no to any of that because I was on my phone or my computer.
So, cheers to making happen what matters most! And now, back to the moving boxes I go. But when you have a helper as cute as Rose, it makes it that much more enjoyable.

Oh my gosh, I’m reading this blog feeling all your feelings, loving your approach to all this change and then the pic. I lost it! Literally laughed out loud. This is exactly life with children. Great blog as usual. And yes the family wants every single minute with the 3 people we miss most in our lives. Now hurry up and get here?
Love the picture! Love you and hope to meet that beautiful daughter of yours! Even your friends want time with you!!!