It’s Friday! Here is a new edition of The Weekender.
Rose Svitlana: My baby girl is 6 months old as of August 14. She is fiercely strong; it’s one of the first things people say about her. That, and she has the most beautiful eyes. I personally love her squishy thighs. There are definitely days I feel there’s no way I can be a mother for the long term. And then there are days that I count motherhood as one of my greatest gifts. Today is a mix of both!
Date Night: We spent date night in this week! We put Rose to bed and then gave each other our full attention. Vitaliy got out a bottle of 17 year old single malt that he kept for a “special occasion.” Putting our marriage as a priority is worth the occasion, he said. Anyone who knows Vitaliy knows that he has a strong love for giving toasts. Last night we toasted to marriage and making each other more of a priority. He compared our marriage to the complexity and richness of a nicely aged and matured single malt. It was epic as all of his toasts are!
Vitaliy’s Birthday: Vitaliy’s birthday is coming up at the end of this month. Last year I scheduled him to go skydiving for his birthday. Both attempts were rained out and then the season ended. He is a lover of experiences over gifts. Leave me some birthday celebration suggestions in the comments! My sleep-deprived mind is falling short and he deserves something special.
Summer Bucket List: With school back in session, everyone seems to be talking about the arrival of Fall. Though I do feel ready for some cooler weather, I don’t want the ease of summer to end just yet. I revisited our list this week and I couldn’t believe everything we’ve done so far. I’m not sure we’ll get to every single one, but being able to use this list when we had a free day this summer was so helpful. Smore’s in our backyard is definitely going to be a priority over the next week or so.
Failure: Do you see that beautiful photo of Vitaliy and I? We took that picture and a lot more over a year ago for the About Us page of our website. We were long overdo for updated photos and I wasn’t sure how excited I’d be to take new photos after being pregnant. We have yet to update our website with the new photos. We shot a new video too around the same time. I’m sharing this to let you know that you are not alone if you have something on your to-do-list that has been there for over a year. Cheers to progress and not perfection!
Rising Tide Challenge: Speaking of imperfection, I joined the #risingtidechallenge on Instagram this week and only completed 3 out of the 5 days. But I wanted to share because it’s a community worth looking into if you are a creative/entrepreneur/small business owner. You can find the Rising Tide Society website here. Their motto is community over competition! Now, that is a mindset I can get behind!
I’m watching Rose work on her crawling skills as I type this. She’s not quite there yet, but she sure is getting close. I hope you all have a great weekend! We actually have a free Saturday and I’m hoping to make the most of it! Any fun plans or events going on in the area I should know about? Leave me a comment!

Love The Weekender!