When I started my marriage almost 7 years ago, I was sad to discover that I didn’t know a lot of older couples with successful marriages. To this day, I still only know a few.
With the amount of divorces today, I have a feeling that a lot of couples my age are in the same boat. I’d like to connect and learn from older couples who have gone before and navigated through life’s difficulties and managed to come through the other side with their marriage and their love for one another intact. I thought how fun would it be to find and interview these kinds of couples and share with all of you what I learn. Thanks to the interwebs, I discovered there was somebody already doing it!
Emily Westbrooks of the From China Village blog does a series on Snippet and Ink entitled Snapshots Of A Marriage. I immediately contacted Emily to see if she would be willing to share her process with me. She was more than willing! I love people who share! And I love people who also want to celebrate love and marriage. Emily thought the best way for us to learn from her was to be interviewed ourselves. We were thrilled for the opportunity to learn and to tell our love story.
Along with writing more consistently, I’m hoping to get started conducting my own interviews soon. Anybody know a couple I should interview? Let me know!

Great idea! Keep it up and I can’t wait to see the results.
Interview the Minkeys! They are one of the best marriage inspirations I know at CPC!
We celebrate 42 years this year!! We’ll talk….
Amazing!! I do I do! I’ll e-mail you.
Looks like you are going to have plenty to write about.
I am catching up on the blog while on maternity leave….looks like my mom beat me to it, but you should totally interview her and my dad :)