This month has been a blur. The days are flying by and I have found myself not applying my “less is more” motto to my scheduling.
But every opportunity has felt too good to pass up. Including our current trip to San Diego for Alison Howard’s Refine Workshop which just wrapped up yesterday. Alison is a luxury wedding planner based in San Diego who has years of experience to speak into the lives of those just starting out or wanting to take their businesses to the next level. As usual, Vitaliy and I chose to divide and conquer which is how we try to do most things in our business. I attended the workshop and Vitaliy photographed the event.
While I’m not a wedding planner myself, I was thrilled at the opportunity to take a look into another aspect of the wedding industry in order to challenge myself in new ways. And to be quite honest, one thing I took away from the event was how much photographers and wedding planners have to offer each other. I learned so many things that could apply to my own business and I can’t wait to get home and start implementing some of the new ideas and changes we want to make to Pictilio in order to create an even better experience for our clients.
Alongside Alison, we also got to hear from Tim King of Tim King Photography, Cathy Olson of Love-Inspired, and Kylie Carlson from the Wedding and Events Institute. Alison brought together a great crew for her very first workshop. And while the speakers were top notch, there is nothing I find more valuable than the people sitting alongside me. I love attending workshops because of the relationships built with other attendees. And this was such an intimate group that it made the process of making friendships even easier. I can’t wait to stay in touch and see what everyone makes happen this next year. But right now, I’m going to close this computer and go explore San Diego with the man I love most.
Missed you, friends! xo
A little rooftop cocktail hour at the W Hotel in downtown San Diego ending the first day at the Refine Workshop.
I continue to be amazed by how much you and V invest into Pictilio, you guys are really committed to giving your clients your very best! I’m so impressed by the business you’re building, and if I lived in SF I would wear a Lady Liberty costume, or at least a sandwich board, and dance on a street corner, advertising your glories!
I can’t say it any better than Kris did.
Amazing! Couldn’t agree more, love building relationships with others in the industry! Can’t wait to hear about it in person.
It was an amazing experience and I wish we had more time …
I think my wife has just given me yet another reason to move to San Francisco.