Baby Got Back


It is quite possible that I’m going to regret posting this image, but it’s just too funny not to.

This is what happens when your photographers are a husband and wife team. Every time I go to cull the images, I find pictures that Vitaliy has taken of me, or more specifically, my gluteus maximus. Here I am, just trying to do my job and totally getting taken advantage of.

Side note: Please disregard my pale skin (I made it to the beach two days later!) and my grandma comfort shoes I wear to make it through the long wedding day.

Now that we’re done talking about me, can we take a look at the wedding party? This perfectly represents the differences between bridesmaids and groomsmen on a wedding day. But let me just say, Jamie and RJ had the best wedding party EVER. Fun and sweet – absolutely a treat!

Let me hit publish before I change my mind. But feel free to leave your own caption in the comments! But please play nice. Happy Friday!