Saying No In Order To Say Yes


At the Making Things Happen conference last October, a lot of things changed inside.

Those changes have continued to develop in our hearts and we’re slowly but surely trying to make them happen in our lives. But implementing change takes time. Change is never easy. And it very rarely comes quickly. One of the best lessons I learned at the conference is that saying “no” just means you get to say “yes” to what matters most.

I’ve been a little MIA lately, but for wonderful reasons. Here are a few of the things that have received a resounding YES in my book! From top to bottom, from left to right.

  1. Good meals. We’ve finally implemented a monthly budget and though eating out happens less, good meals and good food is always a priority for us.
  2. Clients. The wedding season has officially begun. We had a sweet engagement session last week and a wedding in DC later this week. We’ve gotten together with past clients. And I’m most excited about the back end work we’re doing in our business in order to give our clients an even better experience.
  3. Creativity. Running a business can be very hard. There’s so much more to it than just taking photos. It’s so easy to let the business side of things become all consuming. Vitaliy and I have been carving out time to continue investing in our creative muscle.
  4. Marriage. I love this guy! Vitaliy and I are constantly trying to find ways to invest in our marriage. We’re both currently seeing a counselor which has done wonders for us both personally and as a couple. I’m also reading a wonderful book called Intimacy Ignited. I’m only a few chapters in, but I would highly recommend it so far.
  5. Coffee. Life should never be too busy that you don’t have time to go grab a good cup of coffee with someone or to simply enjoy by yourself. I only started drinking coffee this past year, but it has quickly become one of my favorite indulgences. I normally drink it black thanks to my husband who’s a purist, but I recently tried the famous Mint Mojito Iced Coffee from Philz. It was everything I was told it would be!
  6. Time with friends. Vitaliy and I have been working hard to downsize our calendar commitments so that we can either enjoy a night at home or a spontaneous dinner party with friends. It’s been one of the hardest and best changes we’ve been working on!
  7. Family friends. It can be very hard not living close to your family. It requires your friends to become like family. Oddly still, even some of our closest friends live a few hours away. Time spent with them and their little ones is always cherished.
  8. Vitaliy and I have now been living in the San Francisco bay area for over 8 years. We’ve only recently started making a sincere effort to explore and get to know this beautiful place we now feel is home. It’s been fun getting to know it better.
  9. Thank you notes. If you have not read the book One Thousand Gifts, you must do it as soon as possible. I’m now enjoying the 1000 Gifts devotional which has had an even stronger impact on me and I’ve officially started my own list of 1000 gifts. Each morning I wake to write down my previous days blessings. I’m also trying to learn to be thankful for both the good and the bad. So right now, I’m digging deep to find the good out of this pinched nerve in my neck. I am slowly seeing it change me. Vitaliy has joined me and started his own list too.

There’s a little peek into our life as of late. Join us on Instagram for more frequent peeks!