Vitaliy and I just took our last foreseen trip of the year and I couldn’t be happier to be home, sleep in my own bed, and get back to a normal routine.
A few months ago, Vitaliy and I tried to decide how to celebrate turning 30. After brainstorming, we mutually decided on attending the Making Things Happen conference. We wanted to start this new decade with a plan and a purpose. And we wanted to make an investment in ourselves. MTH fulfilled both of these expectations.
Since returning home, I have tried multiple times to explain to people what MTH actually is from an attendee’s perspective. And to be honest, I still don’t feel like I have a concrete explanation. Nor do I feel like the ones I’ve given have done it justice. It’s also very difficult to describe all that I feel I gained from attending. The one thing I do know is that this is the first conference I left knowing without a doubt it was worth my investment.
The funniest thing about the conference is that Vitaliy was one of three men out of about 60 attendees. And this is a conference that basically requires transparency and vulnerability. And in a room full of mainly women, there were a lot of tears. A lot. But he rolled with it all and left with everything he hoped to get out of it, and more. I did as well.
And I will leave it at that! Instead of sharing everything I learned, I want to get to doing everything I learned. And I hope it reflects here and encourages all of you.
Big thanks to Lara Casey, Emily Ley, Gina Zeidler, and all the other amazing speakers and volunteers! Making Things Happen is a real gift to so many. I’m happy to be a recipient of your stories, experience and wisdom. Thank you for continuing to give and give.

Hmm, now you have me thinking this might be a good present next year for my own 30th!
eeeep!!! so so so glad ya’ll went. and now you know why it was so hard to describe what it was like ha ha. ;) I’m also so excited to see what MTH does for both your personal and professional and spiritual future. I like that you said, instead of writing about it-your gonna do it. YES! Big hugs you two xo
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YAY! So happy you had a great experience!!
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